Healing Choir
Kilburn Museum Lab
New Partnership
May 2023 | Sound Out, by Sharon Gal
Arts & Cultural Education for Children and Young People
2023 - 2024 | Take a Walk on Kilburn High Road
March 2023 | Collaboration with Joan Gavaler/Aura CuriAtlas
SOUND OUT @ Tin Tabernacle Kilburn by Sharon Gal
I Come In The End, The Best Is Over
Contract with the skin
INFLUX, REFLUX, EXFLUX // The Age of New Babylon, Central Saint Martins, UAL
ArtLicks Weekend / Archiving Fever Vol.2
Synthetic Hapticality
Archiving Fever: Artist's Confiteor
Mom! Look! Birds!
Archive, For the Future // A Simulation For the Situation
The Perfect Meal
Using Format